Net Worth is a privately held company, which means its exact net worth is not publicly available. However, we can explore some related information to get an estimate:

Founder's net worth:

  • Anupam Mittal, the founder of, has an estimated net worth of around $300 million as of 2023. This indicates the company's significant financial success.

Industry valuation:

  • The online matrimony industry in India is valued at over $1.2 billion and is expected to grow further. This suggests that, a major player in this industry, holds a substantial value.

Company performance:

  • boasts over 30 million registered users and claims to have facilitated millions of successful marriages. This strong user base and track record contribute to its overall value.


While we cannot pinpoint's exact net worth, considering the founder's wealth, industry valuation, and company performance, it's safe to say it's a highly valuable company worth hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars.


Bhaskar Singh

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